What are poppers?
Poppers is the street name given to the class of compounds called the alkyl nitrites. The story of poppers begins in 1859 with the first reported use of alkyl nitrites by Sir Lauder Brunton.
Included in this class of compounds are amyl-, alkyl-,butyl- ,isopropyl- and isobutyl nitrite among several other nitrites. All of which are nearly identical in physiological effect when inhaled. Amyl nitrite was used for decades to treat angina pectoris, a heart disease, though all the alkyl nitrites would act nearly the same on the disease. Amy lnitrite has been a prescription drug in the USA for several decades. However, other nitrites, particularly butyl and isobutyl have been used for nearly 30 years as the primary ingredients in consumer products such as liquid incense, liquid aroma and cleaner. The most popular among these are Rush, Hardware, Reds, Quicksilver, Ram, Rave, Rock hard, Kix and Man scent.
There are also numerous off brands as well. Sold in small glass bottles, they are often misused as inhalants by the consumer, who removes the cap and places the bottle to his/her nose and inhales the vapors. The effect is immediate and pleasurable to most people (though some people report headaches). In some sex bars, -saunas or -clubs the bottles are left opened to fill the room with the odor and effect.
They are clear yellowish liquids with a sweet smell when fresh. Some have described it as smelling like old gym socks, or like a men’s locker room, once a bottle begins to degrade.
The different forms of the compound combine different molecules and structure. But with the nitrite attached it gets you where you want to be. It’s all in the release of the nitrite ion. And purity is the key.
The existence of poppers became more widely known to the layman when they appeared in Radley Metzger’s cult classic film Score (1972). In the film, a bisexual woman glides them under the nose of a heterosexual woman in an attempt to loosen her up for seduction.
Why the name poppers?
Doctors used to prescribe amyl nitrite for heart patients in capsules They are popped or snapped in order to release the vapors. The name snappers is sometimes used. Poppers have evolved since then, from a glass ampoule you break to relieve angina pectoris to glass screw-top bottles in a large variety of brands.
What are the small pellets inside some bottles?
Some brands do have a small ceramic pellet inside the bottle which is not ment for shaking, but to bind water molecules so they can’t affect the compound. If you are able to keep your poppers clean and dry you will have most fun with the amyl ones, because of the strong effect and the slower evaporating.
How do they work?
Poppers are now used for much more exciting purposes than relief of chest pain. With respect to the pharmacology, when inhaled these products do only one thing : namely, they relax smooth muscle, which is why poppers were so popular among gay men as they made anal intercourse easier.
It is smooth muscle that surrounds the body’s blood vessels. When allowed to relax, the blood pressure drops, the vessels must fill up with more blood, thus the heart races to fill the space (similar to the plumbing in your house; if the pipes suddenly got bigger, the water would have to be pumped faster to fill up the expanded space). This is the secondary effect also called vasodilation, or relaxation of blood vessels.
This gives the user a warm sensation all over the body and causes large amounts of oxygen-bearing blood to flow through the brain, thus giving the user a ‘rush.’ The increase in oxygen also leads to a sudden intensification of current positive emotions, thus increasing one’s lust and lack of inhibition, encouraging a sense of raw animal sexuality.
The -nitrite portion of the molecule is what affects you, regardless of what organic molecule it’s attached to. The effects are the same regardless.
For most users, inhalant use results in a rapid euphoric effect that is similar to alcohol intoxication. Users experience initial excitation, then drowsiness, lightheadedness, and agitation. Inhalant users also report feeling a loss of inhibitions. The chemicals found in volatile solvents, aerosols, and gases produce a variety of additional effects during or shortly after use that include dizziness, strong hallucinations, delusions, belligerence, apathy, and impaired judgment.
Health risk and contra-indication
What do I do if I swallow it by accident?
If swallowed, drink two glasses of milk or water, induce vomiting, call a physician.
When should I use them?
Men and women, gays and straights nowadays use poppers to enhance orgasms and anal sex, for masturbation, for a trance-like state of dancing and for identity: poppers are sold as ‘room odorants’ or liquid aromas and are sometimes also used as such.
For starters, the ultimate orgasm. Shooting off to the stars for a serene moment or two. In one beautiful word: vasodilation. In approximately two to three minute durations. It works by relaxing blood vessels and increasing the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart while reducing its workload.
Many researchers have said that these products are the closest thing to a true aphrodisiac that exists (there are no true aphrodisiacs, in the sense that they’ll create a sex drive if it doesn’t already exist, but these products will greatly enhance it if it does).
Poppers are widely used to enhance masturbation. Sex doesn’t get much safer than that, does it? One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever know? Not with poppers! You and poppers, and some great porn, are the perfect combination for the safest sex possible! You’ll get some of the best orgasms ever with a good video or magazine and a bottle.
These products are very popular in discos and bars as well, where users inhaled from them to supposedly better enjoy the sensations around them also in combination with other drugs or psychedelics. Needless to say when used as a recreational drug it can produce quite a euphoric feeling (but the buzz only lasts for a short time similar to laughing gas).
When taken at the right time can heighten an already happy occasion. I’ve heard of sky divers cracking a vial of rush as they throw themselves from the plane (now that indicates a pretty hard core attitude).
Another similarity with laughing gas is that amyl can mix quite well with THC.
Which poppers are best for me?
The difference in strength between poppers general are not that much, so unfortunately you’ll have to try several to find out which one works personally best for you. Beware of house brands or own mixings and watch out for copies which won’t work and might harm you. Only the real, original sealed, registered brands are guaranteed clean and pure. Look out for the ® and TM signs on the bottle. Pure poppers smell smooth with a pleasant and aromatic fragrance!
Are poppers addictive?
Poppers are not physically addictive. The effect lasts for less than two minutes, typically, just long enough to facilitate penetration or terminate in ejaculation, and the chemical dissembles in the blood stream too quickly thereafter to physically addict. However, some people find the drug a welcome stimulant and become so dependent on them that they cannot climax any other way. (Believe me, I’ve tried poppers in the past, and it took a lot of self-discipline and self-restraint for me to control how “nice” they made orgasm feel.
Do I get a headache and how to get rid of it?
There’s a little change of a short headache or a little blackout. Excessive use of nitrites can cause anaemia. If it gives you a headache or you can’t get an erection, open the window and take a deep breath. In fact, the headache caused by excessive consumption is considered part of the safety of these compounds. This is the body’s way of saying you’ve had too much and it’s time to get some fresh air. It’s really that simple.
What risks are involved with the use of poppers?
With respect to safety, it has been shown that these products appear to be perfectly safe. There was some concern at the onset of the AIDS crisis back in the early 1980’s, that these products were related to AIDS and that it affected the immune system. However, those old theories have been discredited. The result of that early hysteria, though, caused Congress to ban the sale of these products in the USA in 1990. (an anti-gay lobby was questionable) The ban has been ineffective, since you can still buy these products around the USA in most adult stores under different names. There are a number of mail-order houses selling them on the internet, as well. Because of this ban and disinformation there are a lot of different laws and tolerances in many States, countries etc. and also many bad working and noxious products.
There’s no evidence of long-term psychological or physical damage as a result of commonsense use of poppers, but there are some risks.
There’s a little change of a short headache or a little blackout. Excessive use of nitrites can cause anaemia. If it gives you a headache or you can’t get an erection, open the window and take a deep breath. In fact, the headache caused by excessive consumption is considered part of the safety of these compounds. This is the body’s way of saying you’ve had too much and it’s time to get some fresh air. It’s really that simple. In rare cases, individuals may experience ‘syncope’. Syncope is defined as a ‘transient lose of consciousness’ which ‘can occur in sensitive persons kept in a static upright position’ after inhalation. This is the reason there have been no cases of intoxication. The chances of fainting are very slight, and the chances of fainting and remaining upright insignificant – nearly impossible. In the unlikely even you should feel sick, lie down. But what reasonable adult needs to be told that?Because poppers cause blood vessels to open, it is easier to get an infection, including sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. Wear a rubber and nothing can happen.If the liquid contacts the skin, it irritates and can develop a rash around the lips, cheeks and nose. Extensive use can damage the nose and lungs.Poppers are highly inflammable, so be carefull with cigarettes or lighters.
Never swallow nitrites, cause it may result in a reduction of oxygen in the blood. If swallowed contact your local emergency center., drink two glasses of milk or water and induce vomiting,.
Combining poppers with stimulants like speed and cocaine increases risks.
Poppers and Viagra as also a dangerous combination has not necessarily been established. Much of medical literature I have seen refers to amyl-nitrite as ‘amyl-nitrate’. The interactions between nitrates and Viagra are well known and thus amyl-nitrite is automatically lumped into the same group. Although there is good reason to think the blood-pressure lowering effects of nitrites could interact dangerously with VIAGRA (see also the inf. leaflet to Viagra). So be aware!
Chronic inhalant use may result in serious and sometimes irreversible damage to the user’s heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, and brain. Brain damage may result in personality changes, diminished cognitive functioning, memory impairment, and slurred speech.Additional symptoms exhibited by long-term inhalant users include weight loss.
Withdrawal symptoms include sweating, rapid pulse, hand tremors, insomnia, nausea or vomiting, hallucinations, and, in severe cases, grand mal seizures.
Poppers can affect your judgment. If you are planning on being intimate, put on a condom before you use them. . Sex has associated dangers which any reasonable adult is aware of, especially anal sex. But the anal sex is the risk, not the poppers, so be safe.
Who should not use poppers at all!
We refuse do deliver poppers to minors, as accidents are more likely to happen.
People with heart problems should not use poppers. In general anyone who has bad blood circulation or a low blood pressure we highly recommend not to use poppers, because you will, above all, notice the side-effects (headache, fainting).
Anyone with aenemia, glaucoma, hemorroids, or in pregnancy, should avoid the use of poppers at all cost.
And last but not least nitrites are known to be potent inhibitors of the human immune system. Researchers based at the US National Institute on Drug Abuse have been studying the physiological effects of nitrites, and their research results suggest that use of this drug can cause ‘sustained alterations to the human immune system’, and may be connected to the development of cancers such as Karposi’s Sarcoma.
How to conserve an open bottle?
Store your poppers cold and dark in a refrigerator or freezer , because the compound will disintegrate by room temperature and the effect will decline. After you take the bottle out of the fridge, beware the liquid for the moist on the bottle which will appear because of the contact between room temperature and the cold glass. If this moist contacts the liquid the compound will change after a while in a bad smelling liquid and the effect will reduce fast. So let the bottle get to room temperature first before opening it, this will take about 15 minutes.
To prevent spilling and evaporation, pour a small amount in a separate bottle filled with cotton.
Unopened bottles can easily last over a year when stored in a cold and dark place, ie in a refrigerator or freeze Producers like Iron Horse even claim their product lasts two years.
How it is used ?
Poppers are an inhalant, as n-nitrites have very low vapor points and become airborne almost immediately. The most common method of taking them is to simply open the bottle, hold it under one’s nose, and inhale.
Once opened, the Nitrite evaporates and the vapour is inhaled. These products are usually described by the manufacturers as ‘room odor’.
This means you actually don’t have to sniff at all. If you do, be careful the liquid doesn’t burn your skin. DO NOT DRINK it!
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